Saturday, December 7th

No One Does More For Veterans

This National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, the VFW reflects on the event that changed the course of history and altered America’s destiny.

The attack on Pearl Harbor 74 years ago left more than 3,500 men and women dead or wounded and tested America’s resolve like never before. But when the dust settled on one of America’s darkest days, a reinvigorated and tenacious nation awoke determined to defend our freedom and way of life no matter the cost.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt spoke with prophetic words when he later remarked, “No matter how long it may take us to overcome … the American people, in their righteous might, will win through to absolute victory.”

The incredible odds we faced in the aftermath of Pearl Harbor served to bolster the indomitable spirit of our nation – carrying us through to the ultimate victory against the Axis powers, just as President Roosevelt had predicted.

The attack on December 7, 1941, taught future generations that our nation may be attacked and our buildings ruined, but our enemies will never be successful in defeating our democracy or the American way of life.

As the years pass and many Pearl Harbor survivors succumb to the passage of time, we remain inspired by their diligence, strength and perseverance. And as we pause to remember their contributions and sacrifice, let us be equally resolved in our determination to serve our nation as selflessly as they did.